Natural Hormone Balancing

Hormone replacement therapy is used for age management, allowing us to grow older with less aging. When you either a man or woman begins to go through loss of hormone function through what we can term menopause or andropause it makes sense that We replace what’s missing with what’s missing. What I mean by that is it makes no sense to use synthetic hormone replacement therapy. What makes sense is that you replace hormone loss with bio identical hormone therapy.
One size does not fit all Therapy must be designed with the patient in mind, should be therapy be based on the persons age their risk factors and their expectations.
It is well known that men benefit dramatically With testosterone replacement therapy. If their labs and symptoms indicate that they are deficient
It is less well-known that women also do dramatically well on testosterone replacement therapy if their labs And symptoms indicate that they are deficient. Often times women who have high risk factors for are averse to hormone replacement therapy do very well with supplemental testosterone only. At the low doses used in women side effects And risks are minimal